Rehabilitation Physician, Attending Physician
Orthopedic Rehabilitation Postpartum Rehabilitation Neurorehabilitation Our CliniciansLanguage
Dr. Lynn Zhuo graduated from Shanxi Medical University and later received her Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiotherapy from Capital Medical University in 2017. In the same year, she completed her residency in the Department of Rehabilitation at China Rehabilitation Research Center.
After joining Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital, Dr. Zhuo mainly treats patients with various rehabilitation needs such as orthopedic rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, and postpartum rehabilitation. She specializes in the rehabilitation treatments for bone & joint injuries and orthopedic surgery, sports injuries, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, postpartum pelvic floor muscle disorders, rectus muscle separation, and other diseases that need rehabilitation.
Dr. Zhuo has obtained the CHEN-Fortnansce maternity rehabilitation certification, the Barcelona Schroth scoliosis physical therapy school L0 certification, and the international NJF, OGI, and other orthopedic manipulation certifications. She has published multiple academic papers in national core journals such as the Chinese Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, participated in reviewing the Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Book and the translation of the British Medical Association Sports Injury Guide and other professional books.
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