Patient Education
The following are specific pages for both health professionals and patients to print out. All are from evidence-based organizations and governmental agencies, and were chosen by a committee of physicians from the UFH Center for Primary Care and Patient Education. Titles with an asterisk* are created by our team of physicians here at UFH. As with all health information, diagnosis and management plans should always be made together with a qualified health care professional. We also have comprehensive lists of health articles from our Beijing and Shanghai medical teams.
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Topics by Specialty
- Low Back Pain Rehabilitation
- Cervical Spondylosis
- Fracture Rehabilitation
- Low Back Pain
- Osteoarthritis Rehabilitation
- Osteoporosis Rehabilitation
- Cervical Spondylosis: Treatment and Prevention
- Management of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
- Management of Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction
- Diabetes Diet Management
- Infection Control Measures While in the Hospital
Health Trackers & Calculators:
- Cardiovascular Risk/Age Calculator (Framingham)
- Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator
- Diabetes Risk Calculator
- Asthma: Peak Flow Calculator
Complementary & Alternative Medicine:
- Colds and Flu: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Diabetes: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- High Cholesterol: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- High Blood Pressure: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Depression: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Pain: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Anxiety: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Headache: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Insomnnia: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Menopause: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
Dental Care:
- Skin Cancer: Prevention and Detection *
- Acne *
- Varicose Veins *
- Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
- High Cholesterol: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
Diabetes Care:
- Diabetes: Essentials *
- Diabetes: Diet and Exercise for Prevention *
- Prediabetes: What To Do *
- Diabetic Eye Disease (Retinopathy)
- Diabetic Kidney Disease (Nephropathy)
- Diabetes: HbA1c Testing
Hospital Safety
Infectious Disease:
- Hand Foot Mouth Disease *
- Mosquito Bites *
- Insect Bites *
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases *
- Seasonal Influenza *
- Cold Sores (Herpes Simplex)
- Sore Throats (Pharyngitis)
- Vaccines: Hepatitis B FAQ
- Vaccines: Varicella (Chickenpox) FAQ
- Vaccines: Diptheria/DTaP FAQ
- Vaccines: Hepatitis A FAQ
- Vaccines: Hib FAQ
- Vaccines: Influenza FAQ
- Vaccines: Measles/MMR FAQ
- Vaccines: Polio FAQ
- Vaccines: Side Effects
- Vaccines: Rabies FAQ
- Vaccines: Japanese Encephalitis FAQ
- Vaccines: BCG (Tuberculosis)
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis B: Chronic Carrier
- HIV Testing Q&A
- High Cholesterol: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Colds and Flu: Home Treatment
Internal Medicine:
- High Cholesterol: Diet Tips *
- High Blood Pressure: Diet and Lifestyle Tips *
- Asthma *
- Asthma: Metered Dose Inhaler Instructions
- Asthma: Inhaler and Spacer Instructions (Video)
- Asthma: Dry Powder Disk Instructions (Video)
- Asthma: Peak Flow Meter Instructions (Video)
- Gout *
- Heart Disease: Healthy Foods *
- Prostate Health *
- Heat Stroke *
- Sleep Apnea *
- Strokes: Prevention *
- Colon Cancer Screening *
- Hay Fever (Seasonal Allergies) *
- Hypothyroidism *
- Strokes *
- Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) *
- Viral Gastroenteritis
- Kidney Stones
- Gallstones
- PSA Testing
- Acute Mountain Sickness
- High Cholesterol: Statin Risks and Benefits
- High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Treatments and Drugs
- Liver Hemangioma
- Obesity: FAQ
- Obesity: Weight Loss Surgery *
Mental Health:
- Anxiety in Children *
- ADHD *
- ADHD: Diagnosis
- Exercise and Mental Health *
- Anxiety: FAQ
- Anxiety: Treatment
- Insomnia
- Smoking Cessation
- Depression Treatment
- Depression in Pregnancy: Treatments
- Panic Attacks: What to Do
- Depression: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Anxiety: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Insomnnia: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Constipation in Children *
- Childhood Obesity *
- Concussions *
- Drug Allergies *
- Acne *
- Vitamin D and Bone Health
- Children’s Environmental Health
- Cough Syrups for Children: Risks and Benefits
- Vaccines: Hepatitis B FAQ
- Vaccines: Varicella (Chickenpox) FAQ
- Vaccines: Diptheria/DTaP FAQ
- Vaccines: Hepatitis A FAQ
- Vaccines: Hib FAQ
- Vaccines: Influenza FAQ
- Vaccines: Measles/MMR FAQ
- Vaccines: Polio FAQ
- Vaccines: Rabies FAQ
- Vaccines: Tips for A Less Stressful Shot Visit
- Vaccines: Side Effects
- Vaccines: Japanese Encephalitis FAQ
- ADHD: Diagnosis
- Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) *
- Menopause *
- Urinary tract infection
- Mercury and Fish
- Pap (cervical) smear test
- Mammograms
- Birth Control Pill (Oral Contraceptive) FAQ
- Birth Control (Contraceptive) Choices
- Condoms
- Down’s Syndrome: Screening Tests
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
- Menopause: Natural Medicines chart PDF and FAQ article
Surgery & Orthopedics:
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