Lianhua DUAN

TCM Physician, Attending Physician
- TCM Rehabilitation
- TCM Pain Management
- Constitutional regulation for health conditions
Education Background:
- Master’s degree in medicine
- Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Work Experience:
- Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital Traditional Chinese Medicine Department
- China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences Wangjing Hospital Standardized Training for Resident Physicians
Academic Achievements:
- Editor of two popular science books on TCM: “Nine Body Constitutions: Meridian Health Preservation and Treatment” and “Disease Elimination Through Meridian Unblocking”
- Deputy Editor of specialized book on TCM Acupotomy Therapy: “Diagnosis and Acupotomy Treatment of Pain”
- Contributing author to over ten popular science books on TCM
Honors, Awards, and Professional Memberships:
- Council Member, Pain Branch of the Chinese Association of Information for TCM
- Member, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Rehabilitation Professional Committee of Beijing Rehabilitation Medical Association
- Youth Committee Member, Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Beijing Association of TCM
- Youth Committee Member, Acupotomy Medical Professional Committee of the Beijing Association of TCM
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