Associate chief physician
TCM Physician, TCM Pharmacist
Dr. Geng received his medical degree of acupuncture and massage from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM) in 2007. Dr.Geng completed standardized training for resident physicians and won the title of attending physician in 2011. He is proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedics, internal medicine, pediatrics and other related diseases.
Before joining United Family Healthcare, Dr. Geng served in Beijing Fengsheng Special Hospital of Traditional Medical Traumatology and Orthopaedics, he also has 3 years working experience in Reha Clinic in Switzerland. Dr. Geng focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of bone and joint diseases, insomnia and allergic diseases through acupuncture and massage. Dr. Geng is experienced in infant massage as well.
Dr. Geng has over 10 years clinical experience. In 2016, he obtained the national qualification of licensed traditional Chinese medicine pharmacist, he is skilled in acupuncture and drug combined therapy. He has published several articles in core medical journals.
Dr. Geng is a member of China Association of Chinese Medicine.
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