Zhikang MAO
Assistant Psychiatrist
Dr. Mao Zhikang went to Capital Medical University and Peking University School of Medicine in 2015 and received his Master’s Degree in Clinical Medicine in 2023; his research thesis discussed the clinical features of depressive disorders and bipolar disorders. He completed a three-year psychiatric residency training program at Peking University Sixth Hospital; during this period, he gained experience in managing different mental disorders and psychological issues. Dr. Mao is supportive and approachable when working with patients and their families.
After graduation, Dr. Mao focused on children’s development and completed a social skills training course on autism. He also plans to continue his studies in child and adolescent mental health.
In his spare time, Dr. Mao coaches children’s baseball. He explores ways to nurture children’s well-being by combining his favorite sport with children’s physical and mental development.
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