Rehabilitation Physician
Dr. Chen graduated from the School of Medicine at National Taiwan University, with a master’s degrees in Rehabilitation Medicine and Surgery. He holds dual medical licenses as a clinician and clinical occupational therapist in both Taiwan and mainland China. He specializes in child development and pediatric rehabilitation, particularly focusing on sensory processing therapies and applications, addressing core issues such as developmental delay, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, emotional and behavioral challenges, and social interaction difficulties prevalent in today’s urban environment. With over twenty years of extensive clinical experience and collaborative projects with academia, he pioneered the establishment of interdisciplinary pediatric rehabilitation specialties in Taiwan’s healthcare system and innovated and promoted early intervention services across medical, special education, and institutional settings.
Prior to joining United Family Rehabilitation Hospital in 2024, Dr. Chen served as the supervisor of the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department at Wanhua Hospital in Taiwan, Director of the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department and Children’s Development Rehabilitation Center at Taipei Tai’an Hospital, and board member of the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.
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