Jingsheng ZHOU

Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Chair of the Neurological Rehabilitation Department, Rehabilitation Physician
Neurorehabilitation Palliative Care Cancer Rehabilitation Our CliniciansLanguage
Dr. Zhou completed his medical degree at Shandong Medical University and his medical Masters degree in Neurology at Capital Medical University in Beijing. He completed his PhD in a joint program between Capital Medical University and the Medical College of Wisconsin in the United States.
Dr. Zhou worked for eight years at Xuanwu Hospital in Beijing, eventually becoming the Attending Physician of the rehabilitation department. He has rich experience in stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, and disorders of consciousness rehabilitation. He is also well-versed in hyperbaric oxygen chamber rehabilitation and cancer rehabilitation.
He has done research into stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cognitive impairment. He has also published dozens of papers in several Chinese and English medical journals and given lectures at international meetings. He has been recognized by the Ministry of Education (in 2008) and the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (in 2009) and also won a China Medical Science and Technology Award.
Dr. Zhou is a representative of the International Association of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, the vice director of the Beijing Rehabilitation Society Rehabilitation Engineering Committee, and a member of the Beijing Rehabilitation Society Neurorehabilitation Committee.
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