UFH Star Clinicians (2nd Quarter of 2015)
Every three months, United Family Healthcare clinicians who embody our mission of providing patient-centered healthcare with a uniquely warm and caring approach are chosen as “Star Clinicians”. They are an inspiration to us all to redouble our efforts in the pursuit of excellence in quality healthcare. The winners are first recommended by their clinical chairs, head nurses, patient services, or other administrative staff, and then selected by a committee including the Chief Medical Officers of each UFH service area and the UFH Vice President for Medical Affairs.
We are pleased to announce the following recipients of the UFH Star Clinician Award for the second quarter of 2015:
Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics
Dr. Martin Springer 史博恒医生 Emergency Medicine Physician 急诊科医生 Emergency Medicine 急诊科 |
Lucy Lu 鲁驰 Head Nurse 护士长 Emergency Medicine 急诊科 |
Tina Ji 冀香芹 Care Coordinator 协调员 Family Medicine 全科 |
Monica Liu 刘常霞 Level 3 Nurse 三级护士 Obstetrics and Gynecology 妇产科 |
Sara Rodriguez Fertility Clinic Coordinator 协调员 Obstetrics and Gynecology 妇产科 |
Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital
Dr Jin Zhongyi 金钟一医生 Chair of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Acting Chief of Palliative Care Program 心脏康复科医生、心脏康复科主任、 缓和医疗项目负责人 Cardiac Rehabilitation, Palliative Care Program 心脏康复科、缓和医疗项目 |
Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics
Diana WANG 王宇 Level 4 Nurse 四级护士 Family Medicine 全科 |
Jenny Cai 蔡佳妮 Senior Radiographer 资深放射技师 Radiology 放射科 |
Anna Su 苏哲 Level 4 Nurse & Unit Educator 四级护士&临床护理教员 Family Medicine 全科 |
Tianjin United Family Hospital
Dr. Martine Ma 马通军医生 Chair of Family Medicine and Urgent Care 全科和急症科医生、全科和急症科主任 Family Medicine and Urgent Care 全科和急症科 |
United Family Intermed Hospital Интермед Эмнэлэг
Dr. Bold Altangerel Болд Алтангэрэл Thoracic Surgeon Цээжний хөндийн мэс заслын эмч Surgery Мэс заслын тасаг |
Nurse Tuul Dash Туул Даш ACNO of Inpatient Services Хэвтэн эмчлүүлэх тасаг хариуцсан Сувилахуй эрхэлсэн захирлын туслах Nursing Сувилахуйн алба |
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