Physical Therapist, Therapist-in-charge
Ms. Xiong received her physical therapy degree in 2006 from Capital Medical University. She completed her residency at the China Rehabilitation Research Center (CRRC), where she rotated through inpatient and outpatient wards and developed expertise in managing conditions ranging from orthopedics and sports injury to stroke and spinal cord injury. She worked in orthopedics and spinal injury physical therapy specialty. Ms. Xiong joined Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital in 2014. She has participated in the clinical module of orthopedic rehabilitation, a certified course by the University of Southern California, and obtained certification in 2018. She developed expertise in managing rehabilitation in post operation of orthopedics, spinal disorders and injury. Ms. Xiong is also a certified instructor of Pilates Method Alliance in US. She participated in the public health promotion project of General Administration of Sport of China, and published “Home Self-Rehabilitation Exercises in Pilates” in 2021. She has completed a maternal health seminar series and been an instructor in Fortanasce and Associates Physical Therapy Center in the US, and is certified as a special physiotherapist for pregnant and postpartum woman. Ms. Xiong specializes in treating back pain, neck pain, pelvic girdle pain, pelvic floor disorders, Diastasis Recti Abdominals, and can design individualized fitness programs for postpartum women. She is the committee member of the women health branch of the Association of Physiotherapists of China.
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