Cardiac Rehabilitation
Our cardiac rehabilitation program is a comprehensive treatment program designed specifically for people with heart disease. We use a variety of treatments, including exercise, education, psychological support, and nutritional guidance. It is designed to help our patients improve heart health, strengthen heart function, reduce cardiovascular risk, and improve quality of life. The “three hearts” treatment concept integrates cardiac, psychological, and cardiac rehabilitation to comprehensively improve the recovery of a patient’s heart function and allow them to return to normal daily life.
- Physical training: Doctors and therapists will make a physical assessment according to the patient’s condition and develop a suitable aerobic exercise and strength training plan to improve the function of the patient’s heart and muscles.
- Health Education: We assess and consult with our medical team, including doctors, therapists, and dietitians, to provide individual heart health knowledge and lifestyle advice to help patients understand how to manage risk factors and follow a healthy diet.
- Psychological support: Our psychologists work with patients to provide psychological counseling and support to help them cope with psychological stress and emotional problems and promote mental health.
- Nutrition guidance: Nutritionists combine patient clinical evaluation data to provide personalized diet plans to help them control weight, manage blood pressure and blood sugar, and improve heart health.
Appropriate for:
- After a heart attack: Rehabilitation after cardiac events such as a myocardial infarction, heart valve surgery, and heart bypass surgery.
- After diagnosis of heart disease: Patients with heart disease such as coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, or arrhythmia.
- After heart surgery: Patients who have undergone heart surgery, including heart bypass surgery or heart valve replacement.
- After heart transplant: Patients who have undergone heart transplant surgery need cardiac rehabilitation to help restore heart function.
- Heart disease risk factor control: Patients with high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and other heart disease risk factors.
- Family history of heart disease: Those with a family history of heart disease, especially patients with first-degree relatives suffering from heart disease such as coronary heart disease and cardiomyopathy.
Cardiac rehabilitation is one of the special disciplines in our hospital, with the concept of “three hearts” as the core, to help patients with heart disease restore heart function, reduce the occurrence of complications, improve the quality of life, and reduce the risk of recurrent cardiac events. Before creating an individualized cardiac rehabilitation plan, patients are welcome to our hospital for a comprehensive examination and evaluation in order to achieve the best results.
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