Speech Therapist in Charge
Message to Patients:
- Be a doctor with warmth: let medical treatment heal pain, let temperament heal the soul
- Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, and severe rehabilitation
- Application of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation in the field of rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment
- Assessment and treatment of children’s unclear speech pronunciation
- Assessment and intervention of delayed speech development and autism spectrum disorders in children
- Assessment and intervention of speech disorders such as stuttering
- Intervention and treatment of attention, memory, and reading ability disorders in children with learning difficulties
- Assessment and treatment of voice disorders
- Rehabilitation treatment for aphasia, articulation disorders, and swallowing disorders after stroke/traumatic brain injury
- Rehabilitation treatment for cognitive impairment/dementia
Education Background:
- Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation Therapy from North China Coal Medical College in 2010
- Graduated from the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a master’s degree in medical psychology
- In 2021, graduated from the Graduate School of Child Development and Educational Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Work Experience:
- Completed clinical training at Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University from 2009 to 2010
- Worked in the International Department of Puhua Rehabilitation Department at Beijing Tiantan Hospital for three years
- Joined Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital in 2013
Academic Achievements:
- Published multiple academic papers in core journals
- Participated in the writing and translation of multiple professional works
Honors, Awards, and Professional Memberships:
- Member, Science Popularization Group of the Speech Rehabilitation Special Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association
- Member, Neuroregulation Group of the Rehabilitation Therapy Special Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association
- Member, Pediatric Swallowing Group of the Rehabilitation Treatment Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association
- Member, Rehabilitation Therapy Group of the Severe Rehabilitation Special Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association
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